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October 04, 2010

Choice and its not so defining moments.....

Choices. They are a defining moment in my life. Often I don’t even realise it. I go along with life, only realising the next day the point at which i chose my destination.
It’s simple really, when i make my choices (no matter in what state of mind) at one point in time the choice i made was exactly what i wanted at that time. Which leads to my reassurance that i’m living life the way i want. However, some of the choices i make are indeed mistakes and often lead to my own downfall - which only supposes the that i will learn from my mistakes but, sometimes the learning process is the hardest part.
How to pick up the pieces 101, that’s a book i need to write in most often. It’s a book that i need to write in and read over and over, perhaps then i may learn. I just can never seem to remember the road to take in a specific situation and crossroad in my life. The situation - well lets just say it has something to do with the male species. Yeah, those creatures out there that us girls are attracted to, sigh. 
They get me every time, and im not talking about the whole "i like you, do you like me" situation, it's a more tricky situation than that. Its the issue and events that should lead to the "lets be a couple stage" but with a few bumps along the way that i seem to forget to break over...
(never edited the punctuation and such, kind of wrote as i thought - it continues with the finding my words story. im feeling much better and have found my words - the key: LIVE FOR YOURSELF AND NO ONE ELSE! you should try it!)

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