It’s that time again!
Time to write but what to write?
Hmmmm, I have no idea.
Well for one, a friend and I have been discussing apathy.
Apathy, definition: an absence of emotion or enthusiasm.
In the world almost every day, we come across such people.
They tend to be excited about life, but tend to do nothing with the excitement.
They are those people that we all look at and say "wow, they could do so much if they just stopped messing around". Upon discussion, Jasper (the friend I was speaking to) and I decided that we are seen as one of those apathetic people. Majority of you would disagree, however, it is true. For most of us. We all are excited about life and there's always that one passion, but do we really care.
We say yes. Yes, we do care. The problem is that we all care too much. We all have a passion, mine being art and I don't know about you, but I feel like I don’t ever use mine. Art is something I love more than anything. It's that one thing that hooks me every time, without fail. Not just the beauty of a work, but everything behind it too. The history, the meaning, the process, the exhibition. It’s the artist and the change they are trying to make, even though majority who view the work, don’t actually give a shit.
It all comes down to a way of thinking. Those that look at the art and try to understand why there is a huge giant wall, made out of tin cans, blocking the pathway as you enter campus. It’s those people who I'm referring to. The ones that look for meaning. It’s us who appear to be apathetic. In truth, we're the ones who care the most. We're the ones who want to make a change. We're the ones who want to take a stand. We're the ones that feel so much excitement and love for a certain subject that we do nothing, because in reality it gets us nowhere. We aren’t enough to make a change. So instead of fighting for what we believe in we tend to walk around in oblivion, in our own worlds. We almost have too much passion to do anything about it. And that ok.
I don’t really have a point to, it’s just simply an idea. A realisation, that I have a passion. A passion that I want to be involved but can’t simply because I love it way too much and trying to change anything would be way too hard. I love it so much that I’d put in so much effort and time that in theory would waste all my time and get me nowhere. Make sure you have a useless passion too, because I’m almost sure that one day that passion will light its fire and maybe we’ll get over our apathy and actually do something with it. Just saying.