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April 29, 2010

Forever Young

When I left school, life as I knew it was ending. I had a new life to begin: a new place, new people and new ways.

The journey thus far has been interesting. I gave grown as a person in so many ways. I have realised that life and its happiness won’t come from objects that we acquire along the way but rather experiences. An object can get lost and broken, and the happiness you may think you gain from that object will fade and you’ll move onto the next thing. A moment is different. It’s everlasting and you learn so much more. Instead of spending my Saturday afternoon at the newest mall (not that we have any here in Grahamstown) I spend it in the botanical gardens with friends. We take our blankets, music, paper, pens and we become children again. We spend our afternoons chatting, doing art and laughing.

When we come into this world all we have is our imagination and as kids we share that imagination and get lost in a make believe world. As we grow up, that world fades. We have shit to deal with, whether it be yours or someone else’s and eventually we forget about our imagination. We forget that we really can be as young as we feel. Spending the afternoons in the bot gardens, has reminded me that our imaginations will always be there, that it still is there and playing with your friends in the park, painting, drawing, and pretending is ok. Everyone is as young as there heart allows them to be. So go be young again, take your friends and family to the park this weekend and just play. It’s ok to get lost in a make believe world every now and then because that make believe world may just get you through life. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.

April 27, 2010

The Story Matters

I am now officialy a blogger!
Im so excited.
I have so many ideas, toughts and queations that i want share with the world and now I can.
Lets share...
Because one day when we're all dust and teeth and kicked up bits of skin - dancing in our skeletons - our words might be all thats left of us. The story Matters.